We invite you to join our community of fellow management consultants in Singapore who connect, share, support each other and enable change. Membership to the IMCS gives you elevated professional status and access to a range of exclusive benefits that help you grow and win business. Whether you are just embarking on a consulting career or an experienced practitioner, we support you in your work and your career development.
Eligibility Criteria:
The Certified Management Consultant™ (CMC®) mark is an international professional certification for management consultants who have achieved a level of performance that includes professional standards in technical competency and ethics, and global standards in consulting competencies, professional behaviour, client and project management, and personal conduct.
IMCS, as a Full Member of the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI), is the only Singapore body accredited by the ICMCI to award CMC status.
Eligibility Criteria
The Registered Management Consultants (RMC) is an Enterprise Singapore-recognised certification programme for management consultants aligned to SS 680:2021 Specification for Management Consultants. The programme was developed by Certified Managements Consultants from the Institute of Management Consultants (Singapore) with the objectives of recognising skills, knowledge and competency in the field of management consultancy, and promoting high standards of professional and ethical conduct by RMCs of the management consulting profession. RMC is a mark of quality and professionalism developed by Certified Management Consultants for management consultants in Singapore.
Professional Mark of Distinction: Certified applicants may make use of the RMC certification mark to demonstrate their competence, professionalism and enhance their professional image in marketing their services to clients. Clients are assured of professionalism, objectivity, quality, ethical in the conduct of their work, adherence to professional standards and commitment to continuous professional improvement as it is constantly being monitored and reviewed by the IMCS.
Pathway to International Recognition: The RMC certification will enable progress on the pathway to be recognised internationally through the Institute's "Certified Management Consultant" (CMC) certification scheme that is accredited by the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) and has reciprocal recognition and is useful in the USA, UK, and 48 other member countries worldwide.
Enhancing Marketing Efforts: Various potential clients can access to the Register of RMCs that is published in the IMCS website. This will allow potential clients to verify the certification status of RMCs, Potential Clients can also browse the certification requirements and code of conduct that a RMC has been subjected to. Potential Clients can also make use of the Register of RMCs to source for potential Management Consultants that thus create more business opportunities for RMCs.